ARCDXC Statement on 4U100QO

ARCDXC International United Nations Club. Vienna. AUSTRIA May 21, 2023   The ARCDXC club thanks the organizers of the expedition and all sponsors for the excellent organization! It was a short but very intense program. Each expedition is fraught with trials and difficulties. We were no exception. In a short time, the necessary equipment and…


On 9th of May 2023 (Great Victory Day)  ARCDXC (4U1A) has been received 5 awards of the Russian “MEMORIAL VICTORY 78” Awards program from the National Amateur Radio Union of Russia (SRR) – a member of IARU. The program was completed in 3 incomplete days on 10, 15 and 20m HF bands by CW, SSB…


A few days ago we have received QSL by E-mail from V85NPV from Brunei. Many thanks for nice QSL and QSO Didier. ((( 73 ))) I will be located in Brunei Darussalam for the next few years before to be retired in Malaysia. Former callsign : F5NPV, FR4FP and FM5GG I am active using mostly…