YL season at 4U1A Club

As planned earlier, in addition to YL Raisa R1BIG we were expecting a second YL operator…
It was a radio amateur from Japan, JP3AYQ (AH0YL) Mayumi.

Mayumi is an experienced and active radio amateur who participated in the DX IOTA expedition to V6J several years ago.

This activity day was on 21 MHz by CW and SSB.
Mayomi worked SSB, but then moved to CW and worked in the huge CW pileup. She was especially pleased to meet her friends from Japan. The propagation was excellent.Then, Raisa took the microphone and a huge pileup again covered the frequency…

In two incomplete days, Raisa conducted almost 500 QSO.

Their journey continues. This time towards Special YL-event – OL88YL

Good journey dear friends!