The name of the club shall be the “ARCDXC”. The seat shall be located at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Wagramerstrasse 5, A-‐1400 Vienna, Austria.

ARTICLE II: Objective and purpose of the Amateur Radio

Amateur radio (also called “ham” radio) is the use of designated radio frequency spectra for purposes of private recreation, non-‐commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-‐training, and emergency communication. The term “amateur” is used to specify “a duly authorized person interested in radio electric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;” (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-‐way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).

The amateur radio service (amateur service and amateur satellite service) is established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) through the International Telecommunication Regulations. National governments regulate technical and operational characteristics of transmissions and issue individual stations licenses with an identifying call sign. Prospective amateur operators are tested for their understanding of key concepts in electronics and the host government’s radio regulations. Radio amateurs use a variety of voice, text, image, and data communications modes and have access to frequency allocations throughout the RF spectrum to enable communication across a city, region, country, continent, the world, or even into space.

Amateur radio is officially represented and coordinated by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which is organized in three regions and has as its members the national amateur radio societies which exist in most countries. According to an estimate made in 2011 by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), two million people throughout the world are regularly involved with amateur radio. About 830,000 amateur radio stations are located in IARU Region 2 (the Americas) followed by IARU Region 3 (South and East Asia and the Pacific Ocean) with about 750,000 stations. A significantly smaller number, about 400,000, are located in IARU Region 1 (Europe, Middle East, CIS and Africa).

IAEA DX ARCDXC Aims and Purpose
• To promote goodwill through amateur radio, both locally and internationally.
• To promote interest in and the advancement of amateur radio, and electronics in general.
• To further the cooperation between UN Staff members Amateur Radio operators.
• To provide emergency or public service communications when normal means of communications are disrupted.
• To advance the state of the Amateur Radio art through individual and collective research.
• To otherwise conduct programs and activities so as to increase the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.
• To support lawful, responsible conduct by its members and the amateur fraternity in general.
• To encourage efforts in amateur radio contests such as ARRL DX, CQWW DX, and CQ WPX and compete with similar groups in other parts of the country or world in these contests.
• To help newcomers to the world of DX learn proper techniques and, in general, encourage better operating on the DX bands.

ARTICLE III: Functions

1. Function as a common platform for its members to meet and interact with radio amateurs and to organize honorary receptions for dignitaries as well as farewell receptions for retiring/departing staff;
3. Foster fellowship between its members and the society at large by enhancing appreciation of the Amateur Radio and its place in the world;
4. Support charities and civic activities especially related to the aforementioned objectives.;
5. Collaborate and establish link with organizations, particularly in Austria and UN organizations, involved in development and cooperation as well as culture.
6. Share information and discussion on any issue that may be relevant to the club.

ARTICLE IV: Membership and Fees

The Club’s membership shall be open to all VIC staff members and their families, retirees from any
VIC based organizations and working in the VIC as contractors/consultants.
Show and/or demonstrate a willingness to participate in DXing, contests, and Club activities.
All dues paying members are considered as members of the Club. The majority of the Executive
Board decides on acceptance or refusal of membership.

A person may become an honorary member upon appointment by the general body based on his/her significant contribution to the activities of the Club.
All members shall protect the reputation of the Club. All dues paying members have voting rights.
Only those who have paid their annual subscription (calendar year) and whose names are in the membership list shall be eligible to attend the general meetings and, if willing, to submit candidacy for general election for the Executive Board.

Elections shall be held every year.
The revenue of the Club shall be derived from an annual subscription of Euro 30 and from other possible sources that the Club may decide.
The Club shall maintain a revolving fund to cover its operating costs. The revolving fund shall be derived from the annual subscription and from the profit of the approved activities carried out periodically.}

ARTICLE V: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of 4 office bearers (President, Vice-‐‐ President, Secretary and Treasurer).
The members of the Executive Board shall remain in office for one year and may not service the office for more than two consecutive terms.
The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall not hold any other position in other VIC based clubs.

The Executive Board will have the following responsibilities:
1. Policy making – to be directly involved in the formulation of policies affecting the functioning of the Club;
2. Programme coordination – to develop a programme of activities for the Club upon recommendations from the office bearers and members of the Club;
3. Advisory board formulation – the Executive Board shall designate three advisers who shall serve for a period of one year;

Their main functions are to provide advice and support to the Club upon request. The decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by majority vote by those members present during voting.
The office bearers for the first term are to be elected during the ad hoc Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the members present. Further to the election of the office bearers the representatives from VIC shall be nominated by completing a nomination form which shall bear the signature of at least 3 members of the concerned organization in good standing. The nomination form shall be submitted to the designated Polling Officer who will collect and compile the forms for submission to the Executive Board. Polling Officer shall be designated by the AGM and are not eligible to run for office during his/her tenure of office.

Future elections
After completion of the term of one year the next election to the Executive Board will take place in an AGM convened by the existing Executive Board. Nominations shall be submitted to the existing Polling Officer well before the AGM. Each nomination shall reflect the name of the nominee, the organization which he/she represents and the position he/she is being nominated to. The list of nominees and the offices they are running for shall be announced to the members at large at least one week before the determined date of election, and shall be elected by dues-‐paying members of the Club through secret balloting. Absentee voting will be allowed by directly e-‐mailing votes from a member’s personal/official e-‐mail address to the Polling Officer or by physically signing a ballot to be handed by the member’s representative to the Polling Officer. The Polling Officer shall bring all ballots to an agreed upon place, at an agreed upon date and time for counting. During the counting of the votes at least three of the 5 outgoing officers shall be present at the site with the Polling Officer. By election shall be conducted if Executive Board members retire/resign six months before the end of the term.
Polling Officer for next term shall be designated by the AGM.

The President shall perform the following functions:
1. Oversee the implementation of the programme of activities adopted by the Executive Board;
2. Represent the Club in official functions, especially externally, vis-‐à-‐vis the local authorities and third parties;
3. Call and preside over meetings of the Club, sign all correspondence and requests for printing and distribution;
4. Develop and execute strategies in consultation with the Executive Board for expanding membership;
5. Establish and coordinate interest groups, tours, trips and special events in cooperation with the Executive Board;
6. Co-‐ordinate and facilitate the functions of other officers in the performance of their duties;
7. Ensure that a copy of the financial statement and a summary of the Annual Report are provided to the UN Staff Activities Recreation Committees for inclusion in the UN’s Staff Assembly Report;
8. Appoint in consultation with the Executive Board a representative of the Club to functions of other organizations;
9. Report annually to the members on the accomplishments of the Club in the AGM;

The Vice-‐President shall perform the following functions:
1. Assist the President in the performance of above mentioned functions and related responsibilities;
2. Act as Officer-‐in Charge in the absence/unavailability of the President in the latter’s absence/unavailability;

The Secretary shall perform the following functions:
1. Prepare written annual reports of activities for submission to the VIC Recreation Committee (VIC REC) by the end of each fiscal year;
2. Maintain a database of its list of members;
3. Prepare and maintain a record of all the minutes of meetings of the Club;
4. Prepare and distribute correspondence approved for distribution by the Club;
5. In the absence of the Treasurer, co-‐sign transactions with the President or in the absence of the
President, with the Vice President;

The Treasurer shall perform the following functions:
1. Maintain the Club’s finances according to the Financial Rules (see Article IX);
2. Prepare all financial transactions and co-‐sign transactions with the President or Vice-‐President;
3. Prepare a Financial Statement at the close of every project undertaken by the Club;
4. Prepare the Annual Financial Statements;
5. Act as Custodian of the properties of the Club;

The Auditor is not part of the Executive Board. Auditor shall be elected in the AGM. Auditor shall report directly to the AGM. The Auditor shall perform the following functions:
1. Audit the accounts periodically;
2. Prepare the audited Financial Statements for submission to the President, AGM and VIC REC;
3. Suggest or recommend an improved system of financial recording;

Polling Officer
The Polling Officer is responsible for conducting the election of the ARCDXC. The Polling Officer is not part of the Executive Board. Polling Officer shall be elected in the AGM. The Polling Officer shall perform the following functions:
1. Send election notification to all the members in consultation with the Executive Board one month prior to the election;
2. Conduct election to the Executive board and to conduct by-‐‐ election as and when required;
3. Carry out the procedures for the nomination of the representatives;

ARTICLE VI: Exchange of communications

The Club shall make information available, if in the judgment of the Executive Board, would be useful to its members.

ARTICLE VII: Relationship with other organizations

The Club, with the approval of the General Body, is authorized to establish a relationship with other organizations provided its objective(s) is/are related to that of the ARCDXC.

ARTICLE VIII: Annual Report

An audited annual report shall be submitted to the VIC REC and to the AGM.

ARTICLE IX: Financial Rules

The funds of the Club shall be deposited in a regular savings account to be established by the Club.
All payments have to be approved by the Executive Board. Any financial documents/obligations (cheques, bank transfers) must bear the signatures of the Treasurer and the President. In the absence of one of these office bearers the Vice-‐‐ President’s signature is required.

ARTICLE X: Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in the month of October each year to be announced to all members at least 30 days before the meeting. Apart from conducting AGMs the Executive Board can call executive committee meetings and general meetings with at least 15 days’ notice. General meetings can be called by a request of 51% of the members or by a request of 51% of the Executive Board. Those members present at the AGM shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE XI: Amendments

Statutes and financial rules can only be changed by an affirmative vote of two-‐thirds majority of its total dues paying members.

ARTICLE XII: Dissolution of the Club

The Club may be dissolved by an affirmative vote of two-‐thirds majority of its total dues paying members. On dissolution, the net assets of the Club shall be donated to a charity selected by a majority of Club members.

ARTICLE XIII: Disclaimer

Participants in the Club’s activities shall take part at their own risk and shall not hold the Club responsible for any damage, theft, injury, illness or death, which may arise from such activities. Each member shall be required to sign a waiver to that effect upon joining the Club


Rev. Dec 2024